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Anirudh Agarwal Numerology

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anirudh agarwal Numerology

Born on: 1st December, 1980

Anirudh Agarwal was born on 1 December 1949. He was an actor who was known for his poignant presence in the films of the horror genre. His unique feature caused by a tumor near pituitary gland gave him a shot in negative and demonic or ghastly characters. He got fame by working with famous Ramsay brothers with Purana Mandir, Bandh Darwaza, Samri as supernatural characters like a vampire, Saamri, Demonic Nevala, etc. he got chance to portray his mettle as an artist by playing Babu Gujjar in Bandit Queen(1994). He went on to star in Mela (2000), Talash: The Hunt Begins(2003) and Mallika(2010) after that retiring form acting.

Talents/Strengths : Outgoing, joy of life, imaginative, enthusiastic

Areas of Concern : Fears routine. May lack self-discipline, accomplish little.

General Learning : Energy and ideas in action. Having a good time.

Practical Expression : Press secretary, party planner, small business promoter.

  • 1. He possess a magnetic personality. He makes sure his thoughts and voice are heard loud enough.
  • 2. Anirudh Agarwal is attracted towards the field of philosophy, literature and performing arts. Even if he unable to make the profession, he never stop practicing them.
  • 3. He is never meek. He always love to express his views.
  • 4. Anirudh Agarwal is filled with high idealism and are adaptable.
  • 5. He as leaders or managers is incredibly generous to his subordinates. He is open-minded and liberal.
  • 6. He is very cheerful. Anirudh Agarwal ever hopeful and motivated in his life.
  • 7. He is talented and highly get appreciated in sports, film, acting, singing. He loves to watch him.
  • 8. He always thinks high about his. He can add sugary additives to his narratives!
  • 9. Anirudh Agarwal is extremely talkative. This quality earns the distrust of others.
  • 10. He never concern about the future. He actively lives in the present.

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